How Much Chinese can YOU learn in 3.5 Months? A Video Blog

Caroline our youngest daughter has been home for three and 1/2 months now and is doing great.  Her adjustment is going really well as is ours.  She really just fits right in like she was always meant to be.
4 year old girl adopted from China in 2015  This is a 3 month update from her!

I thought today I would let her share an update.  This is a video blog it lasts about 4 minutes.

Also, a big thank you to my friend Janet who volunteered to give Caroline her first haircut despite being on maternity leave! She was truly a moving target but thank goodness the mullet is no more! I know no one will believe this but I didn't take a picture of the haircut; although the video is after so you can see the result!  The phone was being used as a distraction!


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