Where to go on a hot July day in Tulsa, OK with 5 kids in tow...besides a water park?  The Children's Museum was a great choice and probably an awesome choice when it's super hot cold too.   I heard that they will be getting a new building soon and have plans to expand which will be awesome.  I would say this is a super mini version of the Omniplex in OKC.  But it has great potential!

 My sweet niece Emily followed Luke around most of the day so he got to play with full freedom and special treat for this little guy.

 Luke mainly stayed in this area with all the balls. Balls and Cars are the two main things that makes him happy :)

 Tips for the slide:  The more clothing you wear the faster you will go.  The whole slide complex structure is made of packaging tape.  I'm sure in winter this slide is super speedy.  For summer attire they had to get creative so that the least amount of skin touched to slide.

 The other room was probably intended more for the bigger kids 4 and up.  It is mostly about building and pretending.  Luke liked to knock stuff down...he didn't make many friends :/
Photography tip:  This is a really low light area.  So I raised my ISO to 3200.  Shot at a shutter speed of 1/200.  F-stop of 4.5-5.6 and used my on camera flash.  The flash gave a little extra light to their faces and reduced shadows from under their eyes.   Since the ISO was so high the background is lit and their isn't a super "flashy" look to the photos.  Although I do have a few red eyes from the flash since it was the on camera flash.

 Sock sliding was a winner!

 The grandkids in age order...missing our Sydney who is old enough to do her own thing these days.  Actually Jack said the reason she wasn't here was because she had to work since she's an adult. From a 4 year old perspective 16 is big time!


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