Made it Monday 5.17.10

This week I worked on a little project that made my Remington Man very happy and I hope Jack will like one day too.  If you are a huge animal lover I would recomend scrolling to the end quickly.  I have said before that I am married to a hunter and we eat all the meat that he shoots.  The Remington Man has had these antlers around for awhile the garage because I wasn't in our newlywed state ready to bring them in the house.  But somewhere in the last 2 1/2 years I guess I've softened some and I thought if anywhere they should be in little Jack's room so he can grow up to be like his Daddy that I love so much!

If you have antlers that you want to mount
this is how I went about it:
The completed antler mount above.
I found these boards at Hobby Lobby 30% off.  I think they are for making clocks but they also work perfectly for mounting antlers!

I wanted a fun bold color that matched Jack's nursery so I painted them red with craft paint and then sprayed them with a clear high gloss for the finishing touch.
Next I had the Remington Man screw the antlers to the board.  (Yes the white part is part of the skull but I will quickly cover that part!)
I took a piece of suede/faux leather fabric and tacked it around the skull with upholstery tacks making sure the tuck the fabric under so it looks more finished.

Here are all three mounted on the wall.  I had my husband write on the back of the board where and when he shot them and "the story" behind the shot.  When it comes to hunting there is always a story!  The one on the left he shot the weekend before our wedding...I was very proud of him.
Officially a boy's room!
What have you Made?


  1. Thank you so much for hosting! Your little guy's room is coming together so nicely. :)

  2. Hello Miss Jules,

    Antlers need sweet love too! The room looks great.

    I worked on my project for 23 years. Not your average entry but it is my heartfelt hope that the message will bless who ever needs it.

    Thank you for hosting such a great party.

  3. This is my first time linking up to your blog. I love your fab blog. Thanks for hosting such a great link party!

  4. Thank you for hosting. I Grew up on a farm - I have lots of goat skins lying around. Love your blog

  5. Thank you for hosting the party. I sure do enjoy your "Made it on Mondays" -- just the thing to get my creative juices going at the beginning of the week!

  6. I can't help but think of the animals who lost their lives so you could mount their antlers on your child's bedroom wall. It was OK to hunt animals in the days when that was the only source of protein available, but today it's not necessary. Hunting isn't a sport; it's killing a live creature. Pretty sad, I think.

  7. Thanks for hosting-lots of great ideas. I have tried numerous times to link today, but keep getting error messages.

  8. I love parties :) Come link up to Making Monday's Marvelous!!

  9. I LOVE the antler project! We are a hunting family and we eat what we hunt. If they have a great rack then we mount them too!
    Thanks for hosting!

  10. Thanks for hosting! Can't wait to go blog hop!

  11. Thanks for posting all the great projects. I love looking at them to get inspiration. And anonymous I knew this project would upset some people so I tried to warn you. We are a hunting family and try to be as respectful to the animal as possible; for us it is good to know we are eating "organic" meat and helping the heard thrive. The deer were not killed in order to obtain their antlers...they were killed to provide good meat for our family. The antlers are leftover but do showcase how healthy and mature the buck was and it is a reminder of the accomplishment (it's not easy to get your own meat). I understand everyone has their own views on hunting (and many other issues) and that is what keeps our world interesting! Thanks for sharing your opinion too. Jules


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