Vultures on the Farm
Bird Watching got intense today as we moved from watching sparrows and cardinals on the feeders to a "committee" of vultures getting ready to snack on a carcass in the woods.
It's not often that you get to observe nature like this up close. Who knew that vultures hop like rabbits or kangroos? After we filmed this we did discover that these are black vultures not turkey vultures. The give away is the silver tips on the underside of their wings.
What a great unexpected time spent with the boys this morning babysitting Cookie for Savannah and checking in on the chickens at sunrise this morning. I love spending time with my boys. They are growing up and growing an interest in all things outdoors.
#vultures #birdsofprey #homesteadfamily #homestead #birdwatching #blackvulture #pig #chickens #chickenrun #farmlife #farmstead
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