Family Fun Activities
A Pilgram village by for children who can pretend! What a great idea using items from around the house.
What a cute little turkey from HomeandFamilynetwork. They have a great little tutorial on their site but I think you could adapt this idea for even smaller children. Get two foam balls and glue together then you could find colorful leaves as the feathers. (We might just make this tommorow!)
A little something different. A Thankful necklace. This Momma had her children clip out words or pictures out of magazines that they were thankful for and modge podged them to a wine cork. Then they made a necklace so they can continue to remember what they are thankful for this month.
These are so beautiful at first I was sure this was an adult craft; but wait her kids did it! They went on a leaf hunt, grabbed a bottle of paint, and stamped away. She wrote up more details here...They stamped more than tags too!
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